Visu­al /Interaction designer


Inter­ac­tion Design­er, Prod­uct Man­ag­er, Engineers(US, Tai­wan), Scientist



The Challenge

Due to peo­ple has dis­abling hear­ing loss increas­ing every year. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion would be hard for them to com­mu­ni­cate with oth­ers on a dai­ly basis.
We believe in the pow­er of tech­nol­o­gy to help break down bar­ri­ers and make life a lit­tle eas­i­er for everyone.


Based on the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion, around 466 mil­lion peo­ple world­wide have dis­abling hear­ing loss. It is esti­mat­ed that by 2050 over 900 mil­lion peo­ple will have dis­abling hear­ing loss.

How can we help those people communicate easily
and more effectively with anyone and anyplace?

The Approach

Cre­a­ta an app that can auto­mat­i­cal­ly tran­script in near real-time allow­ing Deaf and Hard-of-Hear­ing com­mu­ni­cate in the sit­u­a­tion they find it difficult.

My Role

I was involved with the over­all UX strat­e­gy along with help­ing devel­op the visu­al design and motion UX design. Col­lab­o­rat­ing with over­sea engi­neers and trav­eled to Tai­wan twice.

Design Thinking


Voice vol­ume is impor­tant to express emo­tion dur­ing the con­ver­sa­tion. It is def­i­nite­ly hard­er for Deaf and Hard-fo-Hear­ing peo­ple to under­stand it. Hav­ing a vol­ume indi­ca­tor helps the com­mu­ni­ty bet­ter com­mu­ni­cate with any­one at any place.

Cre­ate a read­able and easy visu­al­ize graph­i­cal­ly to help peo­ple process voice volume.

Think out side the box

Hand sketch­ing for any asso­ciate with sound wave, and tried to sim­pli­fy it.

The shape is too com­pli­cat­ed, and long learn­ing curve for user to under­stand the indicator.

Keep it sim­ple and align with Google voice search

The lear­ing curve is short for users.

Share the same pat­tern with Google voice search and it will not too dis­tract­ing user when they are read­ing the transcribe. 

Made the quick motion pro­to­type to dis­cuss with PM, Machine Learn­ing engi­neer, and inter­ac­tion designer.


I cre­at­ed pro­to­typ­ing video to demon­strate the real behav­ior, after
rapid test­ing with peo­ple, and the feed­back comes back to me is:

  • Hard to con­tract­ed on the con­tent, the indi­ca­tor is too destracting
  • The speed of indi­ca­tor is too fast, and it looks like blinking

The idea is to pro­vide diverse and use­ful con­trols to help users eas­i­ly change dur­ing their dai­ly con­ver­sion usage. we part­nered with Gal­laudet Uni­ver­si­ty, a pre­mier school for the deaf and hard of hear­ing, to make sure every­thing would cov­er all they need.

Logo Design

Har­mo­nious fit among oth­er acces­si­bil­i­ty set­ting icons while clear­ly expressed the product

- Sundar on Google IO 2018